Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Wonderful Travels Of The North End Of Boston
By Robert Anglin,
Blogger extraordinaire/rapper

Welcome to Boston! Home of the historic Revolutionary War! In our new found travel group, we discovered many new things up in the North End in Boston we traveled throughout looking around at the wonders of the area. We checked out the Paul Revere house-we would’ve taken pictures for you guys to view but we were not allowed to take pictures in the house. There were a lot of old things- and I don’t mean old like 50’s, I mean old like an uncle on thanksgiving who eats all of the stuffing and naps all the time and doesn’t remember what happened the day after.

There are a lot of different streets to go up and down and a lot of interesting places to look at. We walked into a classic pastry store to stop for a break. You wouldn’t believe the smells! Brendan even smashed a cannoli in his bag... it was kind of my fault lol! After that, we went in the Old North Church there were many amazing things there (see photo below). Finally, we went to Pizzeria Regina where we had delicious cheese pizza, loaded with cheese! This pizza parlor is really special because it's the first Pizzeria Regina ever built.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Regg loves the North End! You should tell him about your experience there. He and I often chat about it when we discuss gentrification, and we brought it up during our unit on ethnic enclaves/immigration! Good work Robert, keep up the good work.
