Friday, June 10, 2016


We went to the Mapparium on May 24th. It’s near the Prudential building and the long reflective pool thing. The Mapparium is one of the most interesting attractions in the city...people come from all over to take a tour of this famous globe. The lobby is huge and has a projection thingy in the middle with words in different languages. The best-est part of the trip though was when we got to go in the Mapparium. Imagine a globe, but inside out, made out of glass, and very old. And sound is weird in there. Two people can stand on opposite sides of the room, whisper, and still hear each other fine, If you stand in the middle of the room, and speak, it’s like hearing yourself in surround sound. Very hard to describe, but very interesting, and very fun. (But not fun like “hey verse me in a COD match”, fun like “wow, this is amazing”)
Courtesy of The Mary Baker Eddy Library, Boston, MA
Courtesy of The Mary Baker Eddy Library, Boston, MA

Courtesy of The Mary Baker Eddy Library, Boston, MA

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