Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What was the Holocaust?
by Sophia Reid

Before 1933, the Jewish population in Europe was over 9 million, and most Jews lived in cities that the Nazis would soon invade. By 1945, the Nazis killed 2 out out of every 3 Jews as part of their “final solution”. Imagine 2 out of 3 people you know being killed? The Nazis targeted all Jews because they  felt that they were  the reasons why Germany lost the first World War, and  their economic crisis. Recently, on February 24, 2016 me and my fellow classmates and my English teacher visited the Holocaust memorial. I have never been there before, and when I finally went I had many questions, like what did the 6 poles means? Who made it? Well I found those answers. The 6 poles represent the 6 million Jews, Polish people and other minorities that died during this terrible event, the 6 main death camps and the 6 years of this “final solution”1939-1945. The memorial was the idea of a man named Stephan Ross, a Holocaust survivor who lost most of his family, and it’s motto is “A Beacon of Memory and Hope”.  


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