Thursday, December 17, 2015

Boston Public Garden
by Kanbe Mao
The Boston Public Garden is an awesome place! Definitely worth going at least once in your life. The garden is named in honor of Theodore C.Haffenreffer from 1880-1956. He must have been a famous dude back then.
When we walked in, my colleagues immediately went to go touch this statue. It was dedicated to a man by the name of Edward Everett Hale, “man of letters preacher of the gospel prophet of peace”. I don’t know what that all means, but it was labeled on the bottom, so it must be important. We then walked to the lake and were surrounded by many willow trees, which make the park famous (see picture below). Then my friend Ryan went chasing squirrels he calls “Tim”, but let’s get back to the point. Many of the trees in this garden were donated from different countries of the world (Japan, Norway, etc.).Robert hugged a tree from Japan.. it is now being cut down because he touched it.) It was cool because we got to experience different trees from different environments other than Boston’s.There were even trees producing sap!This tree was called “common honeylocust”.
The last area we went to was the duckling statues. Famous for the children’s story Make Way for Ducklings. It was funny because my friends went on the ducks that are meant for younger kids, but I guess you’re never too old to go on the duckling statues. All in all, the Boston Public Garden is a great place with a lot of cool squirrels...If you want to chill with your friends, family or even take a girl out on a date, the Boston Public Garden is the place to be.

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