Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Interesting Journey To The MFA

By Robert Anglin/ Brendan McDonough

Once again our wonderful travel writing club took another trip. We went to Museum Of Fine Arts (MFA when we were there we saw many roman statues and artifacts. We didn't get to see all the exhibits we wanted to see. One exhibit we went into was the Ancient Arts of America. When we were in there, there was this one section where you could take your shoes off and sit in a very ancient chair and get a foot massage. Entering the exhibit it clearly says no photos or flash. Our funniest moment was when our lovely teacher didn't listen. She took a photo (with her FLASH on) then they asked her not to LOL. The funny part was that there were no museum administrators around then they came out of nowhere. There were so many interesting things that we did there, including the pencil trick, (ask Tyler for details). Did you know there are artifacts that you can actually sit on? We were in the Chinese exhibit, when we sat on the artifacts that we were allowed to. It felt extremely weird and it didn’t smell too pleasant after a while. You didn’t realize the smell until you actually got down from the chair. In this exhibit it was really old fashioned, everything that we all were able to sit on had to be manually powered. The experience was out of this world and i would highly recommend you guys going on Wednesday nights for free (kids and teenagers only).

Art Of Africa and Oceania at the Museum of Fine Arts
By Tyler  Andrade

Have you ever wondered what the African lifestyle was like before slavery? There were great kingdoms, Pharoahs, and Empires. Well me and my friends went back into the past, to the MFA, located in the Fenway neighborhood, near Northeastern University. The Museum is free, everyday, for students under 17 (and even for adults like Ms. D, it’s free on Wednesdays).  There were lovely bronze statues of men with weapons and weird faces on masks that looked like they would soon come alive. Once I stepped into the exhibit I felt like I was in the movie “Night at the Museum”. Everything seemed to be coming alive, popping off walls and dragging us back into the past. There were special gold decorations that were probably worth over a million dollars. I feel that the Art of Africa and Oceania exhibit would benefit from being expanded to include more artifacts like costumes and more masks. We had a really good time there, and I would highly recommend taking a visit to the MFA because...

Image result for africa and oceania exhibit   Image result for africa and oceania exhibit